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Knowledge of God Church Ministries, NFP
Knowledge of God Church Ministries, NFP
Jesus Is Lord!
Jesus Is Lord!
About Our Church
About Our Church
Knowledge of God Church Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry and non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
About the Pastor
About the Pastor
Victor D. Turner, Sr. served in the United States Air Force (Retired) and is the founding Pastor of Knowledge of God Church Ministries (KOGCM). Pastor Turner was born in Washington, D.C. He was gifted and called by God to TEACH the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Turner is married to his lovely wife Annetta.
Background and Education
Background and Education
Pastor Turner was called by God into the Five Fold Ministry according to Ephesians 4:11 as a Pastor/Teacher. Pastor Turner took ecclesiastical courses to assist in preparing for God's calling on his life.
During his course of study in the school of ministry he was taught how to rightly divide the Word of God in TRUTH! During these ecclesiastical courses Pastor Turner learned how to properly exegete the scriptures which were mandatory for those called to the five fold ministry. (Ephesians 4:11)
After a number of years with intense study and training, Brother Turner began teaching the Gospel in 1997. He taught the youth and adults in a ministry called "Saturday Church School." Saturday Church School was Sunday school taught on a Saturday.
Pastor Turner then and NOW is a STUDENT of THE GOSPEL! He has learned that when the Word of God is studied thoroughly and rightly divided, you will receive revelation KNOWLEDGE. He believes according to Colossians 1:9 that whosoever DESIRE to filled with the knowledge of God's will, the Holy Spirit will bring that Revelation knowledge, with clarity and understanding.
Other Experiences and Achievements
Other Experiences and Achievements
Brother Turner became the Ministry Head of his Church Sunday School. He led and instructed twenty eight Lay Teachers in the ministry on how to effectively deliver the Gospel to all age groups. This was an enormous undertaking that God used to prepare him for what was to come. After almost 10 years of teaching the Gospel in the Saturday Church School, with the permission of his Pastor, Brother Turner was permitted to teach in other churches throughout the Washington Metropolitan area and in St. Louis Missouri.
Brother Turner’s elders told him that the only way to effectively learn how to teach the gospel is to teach the Gospel. He focused solely on perfecting his gift of teaching the WORD OF GOD! So, while serving in the U.S. Air Force, Brother Turner taught Bible study during lunch in one of the chapels at Joint Base, Andrews Air Force Base Maryland. Some Christian civilians and uniformed members wanted to hear God’s Word. So, while eating lunch to feed their physical bodies, their spirits were fed spiritual food, THE BREAD OF LIFE!
Pastor Turner’s Recent Commitments
Pastor Turner’s Recent Commitments
As the Pastor of Knowledge of God Church Ministries, Pastor Turner continues to witness everywhere he goes. He also has ministered the Gospel to thousands of people, broadcasting from iHeartRadio, Hallelujah 1600, and other platforms of worship. Pastor Turner is gifted and called by God an ordained minister for Jesus Christ! He has the heart for the people of God. Pastor Turner wants believers and non-believers alike to know the LOVE OFCHRIST, KNOW the TRUTH, that JESUS has MADE YOU FREE! (John 8:32)
Pastor Turner's desire is in Line, with the Word of God, in: (2 Peter 1:2) that: “Grace and peace be multiplied (increased) unto you (how?). Through the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD JESUS OUR LORD!" Pastor Turner's heart desire, is for ALL to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, so they can walk in FAITH, and walk in TRUTH! JESUS IS COMING AGAIN! (Parenthesis Mine)